“But God will shoot them with His arrows; they will suddenly be struck down. He will turn their own tongues against them and bring them to ruin; all who see them will shake their heads in scorn.” (Psalm 64:7–8)
Last Monday, at a United Nations Security Council meeting honoring the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Ron Prosor lambasted the Security Council for not following its charter.
A day after Hollywood gave out its highest honors for the film and movie industry, Prosor satirically served his own “Oscar” awards to some of the council’s notorious members.
“Last night Hollywood celebrated the Oscars, and as millions tuned in, I thought of the following: If the Oscars for Maintenance of International Peace and Security were given at the UN, I would not be surprised if these candidates were awarded a prize,” Prosor said.
“In the Best Actor Category for acting like a peace loving country while developing nuclear capabilities, denying the Holocaust, and threatening the destruction of another member state (Israel), the Oscar goes to Iran,” Prosor stated before the council. (Algemeiner)

Ron Prosor, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations, addresses the General Assembly.
After Iran, Prosor “awarded” the terror group Hezbollah as Best Supporting Actor. Hezbollah is a Shiite group based in Lebanon that serves as Iran’s proxy in that nation.
Syrian President Bashar Assad, also from a Shiite background, has Hezbollah’s support in crushing Syrians who have rebelled against his oppressive regime, while both have had to deflect attacks from the Islamic State (ISIS). (IBTimes)
“In the category for Best Supporting Actor for its unrelenting support to the Assad Regime in killing hundreds of thousands civilians, the Oscar goes to Hezbollah,” he said.
Prosor also called out Saudi Arabia for its treatment of women.
“In the category for Best Visual Effects for making women disappear from the public sphere, the Oscar goes to… surprise surprise… Saudi Arabia. No competition there,” he quipped.

Riyad H. Mansour (center), Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the UN, speaks with Murray McCully (left), Minister for Foreign Affairs of New Zealand, at the Security Council open debate on the theme, “Maintenance of international peace and security: Reflect on history, reaffirm the strong commitment to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.” Jim McLay, Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the UN is on the right.
Prosor didn’t forget to recognize the Palestinian Authority’s fine acting and diabolical revisionism on the world stage.
“And finally, for rewriting history, the Oscar for Best Editing goes to the Palestinian Authority. But the truth is the Palestinian Authority already received enough prizes from this institution,” he concluded.
“Oscars aside, if we want to pursue peace and security in the real world, it is time to bring down the curtain on this theater of the absurd and return the original values of the UN Charter back to center stage,” Prosor emphasized.
However, the U.N. tends to disproportionately criticize the State of Israel and has been slow to condemn the Palestinian Authority for terrorism or for provoking such behavior against the Israeli state. (Arutz Sheva)