The indoctrination of Gaza students begins early. Even schools and summer camps are used to fill the minds and hearts of children with militant ideology, including the glorification of martyrdom.
The Hamas authorities in the Gaza Strip recently introduced textbooks for grades eight through 10 designed to “infuse the next generation with its militant ideology” toward Israel. (Commentary)
The textbooks fail to recognize modern Israel and do not mention the Oslo Accords, agreements signed by Israel and the Palestinian Authority in 1993. (NYT)
They denounce the Torah (Five Books of Moses) and Talmud (rabbinic Bible commentaries) as fabrications.
Furthermore, they deceptively describe Zionism, the political movement that supports the return of Jews to Israel, as a racist movement that wants to remove the Arab people from all areas between the Nile and Euphrates rivers.
The textbooks claim that today’s Jews are not descendants of the Jewish People of history.
“The Jews and the Zionist movement are not related to Israel, because the sons of Israel are a nation which had been annihilated,” the books state. (Algemeiner)
This move by Hamas to amend the classroom texts deviates from the approved Palestinian Authority curriculum.