Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (left) submitted an application to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for Palestine to become a UN Member State last year. This November, he will once again attempt to have Palestine officially recognized as a state through UN observer status.
Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has confirmed that he will ask the United Nations for non-member observer state status on November 29.
Abbas selected this date because of its significance. It’s the anniversary of the UN’s 1947 approval of the Partition Plan, a two-state solution that would have led to the creation of both an Arab and a Jewish State.
Only 65 years ago, the Arab community in Palestine turned down the offer to have their own state, while the Jewish community accepted it.
The date is also significant because it is the “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.”
If Abbas follows through on this plan, the move will violate the 1993 Oslo “peace” Accords and may prompt Israel to cancel these agreements.
“The adoption of the resolution will give Israel the right to re-evaluate previous agreements with the PLO and consider canceling them partially or completely, and would make progress in the peace process more difficult in the future,” stated Aharon Leshno-Yaar, Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, US President Bill Clinton and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat at the Oslo Accord signing ceremony on September 13, 1993.
The Oslo Accords, officially called the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements, provided for the creation of a Palestinian interim self-government, which would manage the territory under its control.
Acceptance of a Palestinian non-member state, similar to the Vatican’s UN status, would set the stage for Hamas and the PA to accuse individuals in Israel’s military and government establishments of “war crimes” in the International Criminal Court.
“Once we become a recognized state, we will go to all UN agencies to force the international community to take legal action against Israel,” Abbas Zaki of the Fatah Central Committee recently told the Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper in London.
Observer-state status would also give the Palestinian Authority control over airspace and territorial waters currently held by Israel.
In light of Gaza’s current remorseless bombing of Israel, US President Obama said, “Those who champion the cause of the Palestinians should recognize that if we see a further escalation of the situation in Gaza, then the likelihood of us getting back on any kind of peace track that leads to a two-state solution is going to be pushed off way into the future.” (Israel MFA)
The Palestinians are expected to win a large majority for the bid in the UN General Assembly, 150 out of 193 voting members.

From Meggido, you can see right across the Jezreel Valley where the Battle of Armageddon will likely take place (see Revelation 16:16).
Ezekiel 38–39 reveals that during the end times, just prior to the return of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah), a massive attack will be mounted by a confederation of nations against Israel. The goal of the attack will be the annihilation of our tiny country.
Today’s news seems to indicate that we are close to that day when the nations will rise up against Israel.
Three days ago, some of our Bibles For Israel staff drove up north to get away from the sirens and missiles and stopped in Megiddo, where the end-time Battle of Armageddon is to take place. They saw dozens of tanks being moved down south to Gaza; however, one day in the near future these Israeli tanks will be doing the Lord’s battle against the nations on the plains of Megiddo.